Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Piggies Are Ready!

Lee Ann got my piggies ready for the big day with a pedicure and two coats of Colts blue polish. We even added a drop of Holy Water from Lourdes to each soaking tub for good luck, plus an extra drop on the back of my pate for good measure.

And by soaking tubs, I mean GladWare®.

I hope the surgical team will be able to stay focused on my brain rather than my beautiful feet and toes.

T minus 36 hours and counting...


brooke said...

Your piggies look AWESOME! We're rootin' for you, man.

Many hugs and prayers,

(school mate of Lee Ann's)

SallyB said...

Love those twinkle toes, cuz. Keep us posted on your progress - will Lee Ann somehow be able to let us know tomorrow how the surgery went? How long will it take? How soon will you know anything, like your prognosis and such?

Many hugs and prayers coming your way from NE Ohio. Be well, be strong, and know that the whole Harper clan is behind you on this thing.

Love, your cousin Sally

Michele said...

Hello Terry - I have been reading your blog and want you to know you are in my prayers. You will do great. What a blessing you have in your beautiful family and friends. I look forward to reading your future blogs.
Did you ever think you would talk to me again?

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you. We will actually be in Indianapolis this weekend for a visit. We'll be sending you the most positive of thoughts and karma. Go for it!
Best regards always,
The Johnstons
(Rhori, Pamela, Piper, Seaver)

Anonymous said...

I am sending love and good wishes to you Terry!! You will do great! Can't wait to hear from you and Lee Ann after surgery. Love, Strib.

Anonymous said...

Every one of your toes is a tiny Peyton Manning throwing a game winning pass!

Dad and Mom

Dana Neuts, Virtually Yourz said...

Very cool toes, Terry!

On behalf of the Western Washington Pro SPJ Chapter, we wish you the very best, Terry. Good luck and Godspeed. We'll be thinking of you!

Dana Blozis

Dave Harper said...

Looking forward to coming to Indy next week for some brotherly fun.
Catch my chi, bro!

ldp said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.